Thursday, November 4, 2010


i have been in hiding from inspiration
and running away from agitation
i have been closed
for over a month now
even though there were moments, absolutely necessary, that i should've shared with myself here on this blog .

i did think sometimes really , i did it in a uselessly fragmented fashion though.I wanted to know why? and how? I know there have happened great things in this world and they have happened so many times that it is almost a rule than exception . Why have they happened?and how? and what makes triumph land on unthinkable terrains . . .
i had been answering and wandering through these premise when i sent out a text to some of the beautiful minds in my phone list

hi , i am stuck up somewhere. If you could just tell me that
what's an idea?
It would be a great help.
thanks in advance.

 the responses were

dearest dey said

An idea is a seed..a seed of potential and belief..endowed by the soul in us to transform it into an inevitable action which can aid humankind to supercede itself and help conceive newer ideas n innovations. every idea however big or small,represents the uniqueness of thought of an indivdual mind and thus,has the power to is perhaps this only ability of the human mind , to formulate ideas that homo sapiens are proclaimed to be superior to other species in the entire paraphernalia of the universe.

iitian ozair said

An idea is when thoughts building up in the subconcious mind are suddenly ignited and spring up in the concious mind.

chotu said

an idea is a thought or a suggestion esppecially about what to do in a particular situation.It is a pictue or impression in the mind about how to go about in various situations.It is an opinion or belief about something or how to act in some situation!!! AN idea is how weirdly our mind can respond in different situations!!

ankita replied

something diffrt which you come up with :)

i can't recollect my entire journey what egged me to ask this and neither am i commiting to understand anything ... but it is quite clear that most of us have different ideas about ideas... but whatever they are we do surely expect a lot from them

----what do u think

1 comment:

  1. An idea is something that drives other's ideas. Just like your idea to text everyone about their idea of 'an idea'. Their minds driven by your idea came up with different ideas about 'an idea'.
